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Crazy Trout Fishing Memories

Mon, 12/31/2012 - 16:34 -- smaslar

Maybe it's the time of year, or maybe it's dodging a Mayan end of the world scare, but I started waxing nostalgic about some of our crazier experiences trout fishing. Like the numerous occasions my Dad would accidentally cast a lure through the mountain laurel such that the line was draped over a branch. As he retrieved his lure, a trout would hit it as it left the water, and we would have to walk up and unhook the suspended trout.

Preventing Aquatic Invasive Species

Wed, 12/19/2012 - 14:19 -- jmaslar

We here at the Trout University have been aware of and very concerned about the invasion of some of our best trout waters by aquatic invasive species. Aquatic invasive species (AIS) are plants, animals or microbes that create negative impacts on the environment. Impacts from AIS are a danger to everyone, not just by boaters and anglers but anyone who enjoy pristine waters. After the AIS are established in the wild, it is extremely difficult to remove them so it is important to prevent their introduction.

Black Friday Trout Fishing Trip

Fri, 11/30/2012 - 12:57 -- smaslar

Matthew, Tommy, Brian, Dan, and I headed up to the mountains again for our ritual Black Friday trout fishing trip. Many fishermen have already put away their equipment for the colder months, but here at troutu, the only offseason is December, which is ordinarily too busy to go fishing. Typically, the day after Thanksgiving is a great time to get out into the backcountry and hunt for some big brown trout.


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