The most exciting development in synthetic hair fly tying material in over 40 years is here! UV2 Super Hair is finally a reality! We at Bestway Outdoor have been excited about the UV2 process for sometime because its popularity has been growing by leaps and bounds; and now, after months of hard work, we are happy to say that Bestway Outdoor has teamed up with Spirit River to bring you the exciting new product of UV2 Super Hair. A triple dyeing process was developed to combine the Bestway Outdoor dyeing process with the double dye proprietary UV2 process. This process combines the great well known advantages of the crimped Super Hair with the exciting new benefits of the UV2 colors. Anglers have been familiar with the advantages of Super Hair for many years but the advantages of UV2 are very new. Briefly, the UV2 process combines two separate dye techniques to add UVF/UVR ultraviolet wave lengths. As you know UV Florescence is used on everything including watch dials, street signs and many bass lures. UVF is the fluorescent wavelength that allows fish to see flies at a greater distance. UV Reflectance is a spectrum of wave lengths that can not be seen by humans but is extremely common in the animal and insect world. UVR is found in male mayfly nymphs and also allows mayflies to find mates; it allows bees to find flowers and it helps birds in mating since male birds have a strong UVR signature. The UV2 process is no guarantee that you will catch more trout, but according to many who have tried it will give you an edge up. In the words of Bob Clouser. There is little doubt...UV2 can make all the difference. I am sold 100% on its benefits. Twelve exciting UV2 colors are available at Spirit River.