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April 2009

About Brook Trout or Should I Say Speckled Trout

Thu, 04/09/2009 - 11:54 -- jmaslar

The old time mountain folks referred to them as Speckled Trout or just Specs per Jim Casada who grew up in or near the Great Smoky Mountains Park.  However most people know salvelinus fontinalis as Brook Trout or just Brookies.  It is often said that they earned the name of Brook Trout from the small cold streams found high in the mountains.  However, by whatever name you choose call them, I believe that they are the most beautiful of God's creations, even more bea

You Ask "Why go to Townsend in May"?

Thu, 04/09/2009 - 10:00 -- jmaslar

Well, if the scenery of the Great Smoky Mountains Park is not enough, there is the Troutfest 2009 that will be held in Townsend Tennessee on May 15, 16 and 17.  Troutfest is a Fly Fishing Exposition and Fundraiser with all profits earned from the event minus some seed money for next year’s event are donated to Great Smoky Mountains National Park Fisheries Department for brook trout restoration and other fisheries projects in the park. The Little River Chapter of Trout Unlimited sponsers the event. 

Applalachin Angler Head Guide Justin Shroyer's Interview

Mon, 04/06/2009 - 16:14 -- jmaslar

I have been trying to get a good phone interview with my friend Justin Shroyer who is the head guide at The Appalachin Angler Guide Service in Boone, NC.  I wanted to know how such a youing man could become so proficient as a trout fisherman and as a guide.  Each time that I called him, he had been out on the stream guiding, so much for the recession!

Trout Fishing, Biking, Horseback Riding, Hiking: Virginia Creeper Trail Has it All!

Mon, 04/06/2009 - 11:33 -- jmaslar

Last Fall, we packed our fishing rods on our trail bikes and took a scenic ride down the Virginia Creeper Trail  The Virginia Creeper Trail stretches 35 miles from Abingdon Virginia thru Damascus Virginia to the NC State Line near Whitetop Virginia.  Lucky for me, the trail offers a gentle ride downhill from Abington Va.  It was not long before we came to a stream and caught our first trout.  After that, we enjoyed sevel more stops (and more trout).

The Smokies Cold Water Clave

Thu, 04/02/2009 - 11:52 -- jmaslar

I recently joined the Flyfish web site that combines fly fishing fans into a community by means of a giant email list of members.  As you write an email to Flyfish, it goes to every person on the email list, sort of a forerunner to Twitter.  An interesting reply to my initial email was to welcome me and invite me to the The Smokies Cold Water Clave.  I have never seen the term clave before so I investigated and here is what it is!


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