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Trout Fishing, Biking, Horseback Riding, Hiking: Virginia Creeper Trail Has it All!

Mon, 04/06/2009 - 11:33 -- jmaslar

Last Fall, we packed our fishing rods on our trail bikes and took a scenic ride down the Virginia Creeper Trail  The Virginia Creeper Trail stretches 35 miles from Abingdon Virginia thru Damascus Virginia to the NC State Line near Whitetop Virginia.  Lucky for me, the trail offers a gentle ride downhill from Abington Va.  It was not long before we came to a stream and caught our first trout.  After that, we enjoyed sevel more stops (and more trout). primarily along the Whitetop Laurel which is a Mt. Rogers National Recreation Area stream.  Although the Virginia Creeper Trail is more noted for biking, it can not be ignored for trout fishing as well as the spectacular scenery.  To learn more about the Virginia Creeper and Mount Rogers national Recreation Area, visit Troutu Regional Trout Fishing and review the Virginia Locations.




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