While surfing the web recently, I came across this picture on the Newbie blog. This toe injury illustrates the importance of wearing the proper footware. The owner of that magnificent toe was wearing sandles when that injury occured. I have never used flip flops or sandles so I never had an injury like that. However, when I first started to fish for trout, I used sneakers. The problem with sneakers is with streams where there is a thin coating of algae, or slime, over the rocks, it makes them as slippery as ice. Also, when the current is swift, you will not get enough traction to maintain control; and actually be carried downstream against your will. So, I have had some nasty spills when wearing sneakers. A friend of mine, added carpet to the bottom of his sneakers, but that was not sucessful either. The carpet was not that good at eliminating the slipping, and it also came off too soon.
What I have learned is that the felt soles on wading shoes and a definite must for trout fishermen. You should get the best wading shoes that you can afford and I suggest Simms or Orvis for the best and safest traction.