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March 2009

Environmental Kids Club

Fri, 03/27/2009 - 07:33 -- jmaslar

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed a site especially meant for teaching the children to be responsible with our environment.  The EPA has done themselves proud with this site.  The home page is a big cartoon where the kids can click on numerous parts of the cartoon to learn about 

Fishing With Kids

Wed, 03/25/2009 - 06:58 -- smaslar

Fishing with kids can be a rewarding long term pursuit, for you and the kids.  The best part is that the kids do not have to be your own children.  They can be children that don't have someone in their lives who will take them fishing.  It is one of the best things that a grandpa can do to provide life long memories for the children.  If you do not have grandchildren then it can be a great opportunity to be a big brother to some disadvantaged children. 

Trout Fishing on the Mitchell River with the Shammy Whammy!

Fri, 03/20/2009 - 10:28 -- jmaslar

To be correct, it is the Chamois Whammy!  No matter how you spell it, it is still the same effective nymph or streamer. A good friend of mine, Joe Summers recently retired from Central Piedmont Community College where I worked with him.  Joe once told me about a chamois worm that he makes and uses effectively on the Mitchell River in NC.

Trout Fishing for Boomers

Wed, 03/18/2009 - 09:21 -- jmaslar

C'mon you baby boomers retired or about to retire! Get up off that couch and take up a wholesome, outdoor, sport like trout fishing. When IBM did a study about their retired employees, they found that the average person only collected 18 monthly checks after retirement; and it was due to inactivity.  I had always thought that when I retired, I would seriously take golf lessons.  However, now that I am fully retired, I am happy that I chose trout fishing. 


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