3 piece cane pole with line: $5.00.
Handful of assorted dry flies: $7.00.
Cheez-Whiz sandwhich: $1.00.
Beating the recession by going trout fishing on a budget: Priceless.
Recession got you down? The best entertainment during a recession is, of course, trout fishing. First, there is the need to get your mind off of your frustations. Nothing like the rushing water on a stream to accomplish that. Second, there is the fact that trout are one of the few things that don't worry about the economy. They don't stop feeding just because the stock market is sputtering. Third, you don't have to spend gobs of money to get started. Here are some tips for trout fishing on a budget:
Use inexpensive equipment: The first choice is to borrow someone else's equipment. A lot of people have old equipment they're not using anymore, and you may be able to borrow it. Buy a few hooks and bait or a couple of spinners, and you're good to go.
The least expensive equipment to purchase is a cane pole, usually costing around $5.00. You will only need a few feet of standard monofilament on the end of it, a dry fly attached to the end of the line, and a small stream with large rocks to hide behind. Hide behind the rocks and dangle the fly just over top of the water, letting it land on the water and float downstream.
It's possible to use old tennis shoes (or sneakers, depending on what area of the country you're from) and shorts, in lieu of wading boots and waders. However, either glue carpet on the bottom of the shoes or be prepared to get wet, as athletic footwear has nowhere near the gripping power as felt soled boots (which are falling out of favor because of their abilty to spread unwanted organisms among trout streams).
You can make due without a fishing vest by wearing shorts with numerous zippered or buttoned pockets. For years, my Dad has even used a free, promotional carpenter's apron he got from a hardware store. (Insider tip: make sure your small plastic tackle box, etc. is tied to the apron if you're prone to falling in the stream.)
Pack a lunch, consisting of a piece of fruit, crackers, and a sandwhich. One of troutu's staff even brings Cheez Whiz sandwhiches. Can you say "Low Budget?" Bring a bottle of water (or two) to wash it all down.
Find a couple of fishing buddies to carpool with, to share the gas, and you're good to go!