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February 2009

Trout Fishing in Atlanta: Chris Scalley Made me a Believer!

Fri, 02/27/2009 - 15:33 -- jmaslar

Yes, I had never dreamed of trout fishing in Atlanta, until I met Chris Scalley from River Through Atlanta.  The Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, where Chris guides, ia a 10,000 acre park that includes 48 miles of tail waters from the Buford Dam.  The Chattahoochee or "Hooch" as it is locally known, offers year around trout waters that average 56 degrees with the lowest temperature being 48 degrees in JULY!  The average trout taken from these waters is from 14 inches to 18 nches long. The Hooch can b

Trout Unlimited’s “On The Rise” about Nestle Waters of North America

Sat, 02/14/2009 - 16:52 -- jmaslar

I have just watched an episode of the Trout Unlimited show called “On The Rise”.  In this show, Tom Chandler detailed how Nestle Waters of North America has tried to "gobble up" the pristine waters of the McCloud River in California.  Fortunately, Tom and his friends have prevented Nestle from building a water processing and bottling plant on that river.  You can check out Tom's "Stop Nestle Waters" web site to learn more about their efforts.

The 2009 Rocky River TU Banquet and Expo

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 10:59 -- jmaslar

The 2009 Rocky River Trout Unlimited Barnquet and Expo are about 5 weeks away. What’s a Barnquet?
Well it is part banquet with a big dose of getting out and spending a little time with other members and their
families.  Since is it being held at Oehler’s Mallard Creek BBQ Barn it was decided to call it a
Barnquet. Plus we thought we’d add another element to it and resurrect the Trout Expo that we successfully

Fishing for Brown Trout and for Rainbow Trout with Stealth.

Wed, 02/04/2009 - 14:28 -- jmaslar

One winter day, when I was in Bryson City, just starting up the Deep Creek, I met Jim Rich who was such a believer in camouflage that he even sprayed his spinning rod and reel with it.  I only had occasion to see Jim a few times afterward, however, he always had nice trout in his creel.  To this day, I have been a believer of camc, but Jim Casada a prolific writer and trout fisherman for over 50 years prefers camo but he also likes tan or brown.  Regardless of what you prefer, here are a few tips:
