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November 2015

Neer Hair is a Winner in PA

Wed, 11/04/2015 - 15:54 -- jmaslar

Recently, we received a phone call from John in Pennsylvania who had recently purchased some Neer Hair and here are his comments. "Jerry - My order of Neer Hair arrived yesterday. Thank you for the prompt response. It is a real pleasure to work with Neer Hair. It is easy to work with, does not get waterlogged and can easily be shaped to whatever design I desire. I like the way it stands up to hard use. I just got off the water fishing with my good friend Forrest. He liked the Neer Hair and is interested in purchasing some from you.

Bestway Outdoor Neer Hair

Mon, 11/02/2015 - 09:52 -- jmaslar

We at the Troutprostore are always excited and pleased to hear from customers fregarding the fine products dold on the Troutprostore site. Many of our customers buy Perfect Fly flies from Troutprostore, but there are also many  customer who purchase Bestway Outdoor Neer Hair, Unique Hair and Super Hair for creating their own flies and lures. These synthetic hairs are superior to natural furs in many ways including their great strength.

Bestway Outdoor Neer Hair

Mon, 11/02/2015 - 09:52 -- jmaslar

We at the Troutprostore are always excited and pleased to hear from customers regarding the fine products sold on the Troutprostore site. Many of our customers buy Perfect Fly flies from Troutprostore, but there are also many  customer who purchase Bestway Outdoor Neer Hair, Unique Hair and Super Hair for creating their own flies and lures. These synthetic hairs are superior to natural furs in many ways including their great strength.