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September 2013

How to Fly Fish a Hatch

Mon, 09/23/2013 - 10:20 -- jmaslar

There is a great deal of misconception regarding the hatching of aquatic insects. For example the hatch often referred to in hatch charts is actually when the flies emerge into adults. The actual hatch has already occurred prior to that time. However, for purposes of this article, we will use the standard term for hatch meaning when the flies emerge. It should be noted that insects spend most of their lives as nymphs, pupae or larva. Therefore the trout have far greater opportunity to eat them prior to their emerging. After they emerge as adults, they soon fly away.

Perfect Fly Brown Sculpin

Mon, 09/16/2013 - 11:28 -- jmaslar

Not only does the appearance of the "Perfect Fly" Brown Sculpin closely resemble the sculpin, but its movements and and its behavior also closely resemble that of the actual sculpin. After several tests, we decided to use the eyes but not weight the fly. If the fly had added weight it would not work nearly as well as it does without weight in shallow water.

Super Hair Now Available in Troutprostore

Wed, 09/04/2013 - 15:11 -- jmaslar

We at Troutuprostore are constantly adding products that we feel are superior and with that in mind we have elected to sell Bestway Outdoor Super Hair, Unique Hair and Neer Hair. These products are superior replacements for natural hair such as bucktail. Unlike natural fur, the crimp in Super Hair and Unique Hair reflects light in just the same manner as actual fish scales.

Restoring Paiute Trout on the Silver King Creek

Tue, 09/03/2013 - 16:28 -- jmaslar

The Silver King Creek is in the Eastern Sierra's Carson-Iceberg Wilderness of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest and it is a tributary of the East Carson River of the Lahontan Desert Basin. The Paiute Trout is a very rare species that is native to the Silver King Creek. They are distinguished by a lack of spots and by a purplish iridescent color that is very distinctive. But, they have been all but become extinct as a result of the competition from the rainbow and the golden trout.

NC Raised Fishing License Fees

Mon, 09/02/2013 - 15:35 -- jmaslar

The state legislature recently raised the fishing license fee by a cool 25%. For the the Annual Sportsman License fee went from $40 to $50 and the Annual Fishing License went from $15 to $20, a whopping 33%! In addition, the license issuing fee paid to the agents is $2.00 but now that will no longer be contained in the fee but will be paid by the fisherman in addition to the license fee! To seeall the changes to the fees, go to NCWildlife.