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January 2011

Dry Flies or Nymphs in Winter

Tue, 01/11/2011 - 10:33 -- jmaslar

Here in Charlotte, NC we have been snowed in with 4 to 5 inches of snow followed by freezing rain. This is a good time to sit at the computer and try to answer a popular question about winter fishing. We often hear the question: “Which is the better fly to use in winter, dry fly or nymph?” Perhaps the question would be better phrased: "when does the water get to cold to catch trout on the dry fly".

Trout Fishing Offseason

Tue, 01/04/2011 - 04:21 -- smaslar

Now, for those trout fishermen among us with the right outlook on life, you’re thinking What off season?  We trout fish year round.  I typically head up to the North Carolina high country, for example, on January 1st each year to kick off the new year.  However, during the cold months, when things get slow, there are a number of things the trout fisherman will want to get caught up on: