National Hunting and Fishing Day
Join us in a nationwide celebration Hunt. Shoot. Fish. Share the pride!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Join us in a nationwide celebration Hunt. Shoot. Fish. Share the pride!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
We had a great day fishing Saturday, August 15th, in the Smoky Mountains. The video shown below covers the day's activities, including some of the fish we tangled with.
I slow down my trout fishing in the month of August and I believe that the trout are slower as well. The water is low making the trout more cautious as they must elude predators. Also, the temperature of the water is high, and warmer water contains much less oxygen. Therefore the trout will be less active through the hot dog days of summer.
I came across an interesting article, entitled "Streamers and Indicators" by Brent Postal, in one of my favorite magazines, the American Angler. (I like the on-line edition of the American Angler because they post the entire article on-line and do not use teasers.) The novel approach by Brent is that he prefers to use two indicators, his favorites being cork, and he spaces them about an inch apart.
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