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Trout University Family Tee Shirts

Thu, 07/15/2010 - 12:15 -- jmaslar

The Trout University has developed some Tee shirts that are all white with a pleasing  logo on the front. The back has an enlarged logo and our Troutu moto. The picture includes Chancellor Steve, his wife Carleen and children Emma and Drew as well as Professor Jerry. Not sure about Emma being a fly fisherman, but Drew is very interested in a fish shaped rattle. We are doing the tee shirts over with nice pictures of rainbow trout and we are doing some attractive polo shirt with just a small logo on the front. Most likely, we will offer these shirts as prizes at some point in the future and if interest is high enough we may make a limited quaintly available for purchase.

PS: Notice that the camera had a wide lens, in real life, we are not really that wide.