Fly Fishing Streams and Classes
It has been so cold here in Charlotte, NC that I seldom leave the house which is good as it allows me time to work on upgrading the streams report and adding some classes.
It has been so cold here in Charlotte, NC that I seldom leave the house which is good as it allows me time to work on upgrading the streams report and adding some classes.
Fly Fishing Show comes to Charlotte. Again this year the Fly Fishing Show will be held at the Park (formerly known as the Charlotte Merchandise Mart) in Charlotte on January 29 and 30, 2010. On Friday, the show runs from 10:00 am
We started the year off right again this New Year's by going fishing on the Upper Linville River in North Carolina above the Linville Falls, up to the campground. It was a beautiful day to be in the woods, with 6 inches of residual snow. The fishing started out hot, with Dan catching three trout right away. A little later in the morning, he landed a 24" long Rainbow Trout that probably pushed 3 lbs. Later in the afternoon, the fishing slowed considerably.
Stream: Upper Linville River, above the Linville Falls, Hatchery supported
In September of 2009, Nestles abruptly dropped its plans to purchase water from California’s McCloud River springs. The international food conglomerate had plans to pump 521 million gallons of that pristine spring water per year.
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