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Fly Fishing Streams

Thu, 11/04/2010 - 11:08 -- jmaslar

When you are fishing a trout stream by working upstream and not seeing or spooking any trout you might be following another angler. Look for clues like pockets of still muddy water, or wet boot prints on rocks, or boot prints in the sand. If you see these clues, or if you do happen to catch up to someone who is fishing slower, leave the water immediately and go much further up the stream before re-entering. Walk at least as far as you could fish that stream in an hour, leaving them plenty of undisturbed water.

Fly Fishing Space

Thu, 11/04/2010 - 09:50 -- jmaslar

Here in Charlotte, we are having a rainy, cool day and the cold is permeating my bones, I do not feel inclined to go anywhere, so I have some thoughts about fishing courtesy as it relates to space afforded to other anglers. When we are approaching a stream about to start trout fishing here are some things to consider.


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