Fly fishing the crystal clear Upper Sacramento River, perhaps the signature trout stream in Northern California, is great throughout the year, except during periods of extremely cold weather or unusually high water flows. The excellent growing conditions and habitat for the trout (up to 20 inches or even larger) hjuy67are evidenced by the fact that shortly after a train car's worth of pesticide was releaseed into the river in the early 1990's the river quickly revived as a well populated wild trout stream, without the need for stocking. The river's water levels fluctuate continuously throughout the course of a year, and there are varying fishing regulations along the river's length.
The 38 miles of the Upper Sacramento River begins its journey from the Box Canyon Dam's discharge from Lake Siskiyou, on its way to Lake Shasta. A number of small tributaries and springs add their flows to the river, as it flows through several miles of canyon. Access from the Union Pacific Railroad tracks is available starting at Cantara. However, always exercise extreme caution around railroad tracks. Downstream from Cantara toward Dunsmuir, the river looks more like a freestone stream, as its flow increases from the additional small tributaries and spring feed the river. Superb access to the area is provided by any of the 15 exits in the area off busily-traveled Interstate 5.
Castle Crags State Park provides access downstream from Soda Creek to Sweetbriar. Downstream from Sweetbriar, the river and valley widen. The Upper Sacramento feels like a large spring creek from here down to Lake Shasta, with a fair amount of access. In this section, there are varied types of water to fish – pocket water, runs, riffles, small to large pools, and undercut banks. Your ability to catch trout will depend on your ability to adapt your strategies and methods to each type of water.
Fly Fishing the Upper Sacramento River:
Fly fishing the headwaters and tributaries of the Upper Sacramento River is best using small dry flies and a 3 or 4 weight floating line. Use a 6-1/2 to 8 foot fly rod with slow to moderate action A 5 weight line is the best bet for overall fishing in the Upper Sac, but you may want to go as high as a 6 weight line (and possibly, a sinking tip) when fishing streamers. Use a 8-1/2 to 9 foot long, medium to medium fast rod for 5 weight rods. A medium to medium fast 9 foot rod would work best for the 6 weight rods.
Unless fishing a streamer, use a 9 foot or longer (up to 12 foot) leader when fishing the Upper Sac. You will need leaders in sizes ranging from 2X to 7X.
Sacramento River Trout Flies:
We recommend our "Perfect Fly" Trout Flies. We have specific imitations of every important insect that hatches on the Upper Sacramento River. The trout can become selective during several of the aquatic insect hatches. If you haven't already done so, we invite you to try our "Perfect Flies". We have many satisfied anglers that have used them on the Upper Sacramento River. We are confident you'll be glad you did. They are the most realistic and effective imitations of aquatic and terrestrial insects you can purchase.
Before and after the the spring runoff, sections of the Upper Sacramento River provide good fishing opportunities.
Try fishing the higher elevations of the Upper Sacramento River during hot weather; otherwise, summer is a great time to fish the Upper Sacramento River.
Fall fly fishing on the Upper Sacramento River can be very rewarding, especially dry fly fishing during the blue winged olive and famed October caddis hatches.
The afternoons of warm winter days may provide modest action using streamers and nymphs.
Excellent access for fly fishing the Upper Sacramento River is provided by the many exits off of busy Interstate 5 in the Dunsmuir, Ca area. Castle Crags State Park provides additional access.