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News and Announcements

Putting The "U" In Troutu

Mon, 02/07/2011 - 23:08 -- smaslar

One of the things that makes a trout fishing website more useful than a magazine, television program, etc., is the ability to collaborate at a high level.  This means anyone who has pertinent information can contribute.  This means we all benefit more.  Recently, to leverage this ability, we've decided to make some changes to the website.

Broadstreet Consulting a Winner

Fri, 10/08/2010 - 16:57 -- jmaslar

Thanks to Broadstreet Consulting for their continued efforts at making this a world-class site. We've moved to a new server in preparation for our store's grand opening, and the Broadstreet team is continuing to improve and tune the site. Thank you, Broadstreet!

No wonder Tom Sliker the owner of Broadstreet Consulting was named early on as the Director of Information Services here at the Trout University.

Fly Fishing Shop Grand Opening Announcement

Mon, 10/04/2010 - 12:55 -- jmaslar

The GRAND OPENING of its online store is only 12 days away. We have been carefully selecting top quality products and making the necessary preparations for a successful grand opening.

Please treat yourself to a sneak preview of the exciting FREE GIFTS that will be given away with any purchases totaling $25 or more during this sale. I truly believe that you will be amazed at the value and the quality of these purchases.

How to Choose a fly Rod

Wed, 09/29/2010 - 17:15 -- jmaslar

In the quest to reduce the weight of fly rods, manufactures have gone to stronger materials and they have reduced the amount of material used. Almost all of the manufacturers have used higher modulus graphite to make the rods more sensitive, lighter and more efficient. When using the higher modulus, a lighter blank will produce the same stiffness. But nothing is without drawbacks, as the higher modulus blanks are far more prone to break

Watauga River Fish Kill

Tue, 07/20/2010 - 09:25 -- jmaslar

The Watauga Riverkeeper, Donna Lisenby, received a phone call on Saturday July 17, alerting her to a fish kill on the Watauga River in Boone, NC. Donna in cooperation with the Boone fire department was able to track down the source of the pollutant and it was from the B B&T parking lot on highway 105 in Boone, NC. It seems that the Watauga River and a tributary called Hodges Creek have suffered a great deal of damage due to the carelessness of an asphalt contractor who allowed asphalt sealer to flow into the Watauga River via a drain sewer.


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