The Big Hole River is one of the largest freestone streams in Montana. The Big Hole starts at the outlet of Skinner Lake in the Beaverhead National Forest in southwest Montana near the Montana-Idaho border. It flows northwest and north past the town of Wisdom and between the Anaconda Range to the northwest and the Pioneer Mountains to the east. At the town of Wise, the Big Hole River is joined by the Wise River where it picks up a great deal of water changing the character of the water. As it flows near the town of Twin Bridgesit is joined by the Beaverhead River to form the Jefferson River. The total length of the Big Hole River is about 155 miles.
The Big Hole River is a blue ribbon trout stream with populations of brook trout in the upper reaches, giving way to rainbows, browns and cutthroat trouto. It also contains a good population of Artic Graylings which happen to be more gullible and will take about anything that floats. However the graylings are protected and must be returned to the water.
The Big Hole is a small mountain stream with pocket water and a population of brook trout until it gets near the town of Wisdom where the North Fork dumps in more water. Wisdom is a small town known for mosquitoes so be sure to take repellent. As it continues downstream, it is fed by small streams, and at then the Wise River. Wise River is the only town in the canyon section of the river. After reaching the town of Divide, the river is lined by cottonwood trees as it flows mainly through private property. This sparsely populated area is easily accessible with several designated sites. The next town is the town of Glen and after that it continues to meet the Jefferson River.
Fishing the Big Horn River:
The Big Horn in the upper reaches contains mostly brook trout, and the area near Wisdom contains the most graylings. Below Wisdom, you will find a mixture of rainbows, brook and some cutthroats as the stream meanders through pasturelands. As the stream flows slowly along highway #43 there is a good deal of access and the browns begin to appear. A section near Sportsman’s Park can be floated under the right conditions. From Dicky Bridge downstream to Divide you will find a diverse range of water including a section of the Big Hole that runs through a canyon. You will find pocket water with runs, riffles and deep pools with some rather large boulders. Special regulations may be in effect here so be sure you are aware of the rules pertaining to this section.
The equipment that is recommended depends on the section that you are fishing. For example the lighter lines and rods in the 3X range will be effective in the upper part. However, if you take only one rod and one line, select a five or six weight, nine foot rod of medium or fast action and a 5 or 6 wt. floating line. Couple this with a nine foot leader for the most part and in sizes from 0X to 6X for midge imitations. Match this with tippet in sizes 0X to 6X as well. It is also a good idea to take plenty of Perfect Fly exact imitations of aquatic insects, etc.
A good guide for the Big Hole River is bigholeTROUT.com located right in Divide MT.
Fly Fishing the Big Hole River in Spring:
The blue winged olives start to hatch in March and will continue thru the first part of June. The spring has two run offs with the first occuring in May containing water from the upper basin and the second from the Biterroots starts around mid June. The salmon fly usually hatches between these two run offs about june 15th. However, there will be considerably heavy traffic during this time. The Mother's Day caddis hatch occurs about mid May as well.
Fly Fishing the Big Hole is Summer:
Watch for the Tricos to be hatching early in the day. Watch for the slack waters for a trout gulping the tricos. A perfect presentation will be rewarding. The pale morning dun will hatch from the first of June through the first of September. Switch to ants, hoppers or streamers as the day progresses. Golden stoneflies, little yellow stoneflies and yellow sallies are a good bet for June and July as well.
Fly Fishing the Big Hole River in the Fall:
The second brood of blue winged olives will be hatching in September and October. Minnow and sculpin imitations of streamers will be effective as will the terrestrials.
You can access the river at many locations above Wisdom but there aren't any designated access sites. Country roads cross over the river many times and you can access the stream at any of them. Between Wisdom and Divide there is areas where the river canbe accessed from highway #43. From divide there is a good deal of private land but it can be fished usually iwith a polite request. Between Glen and Twin Bridges, there are several public access points.
View Wisdom, Mt 59761 in a larger map