Tha Annual International Fly Tackle Dealers Show (IFTD) was held in Las Vegas in July of 2013. The IFTD show brings together the manufacturers, the dealers and the fly shops for the purpose of doing business. One special section of the show is to showcase the latest new products.
In a special event, all the attendees cast votes to determine the best new merchandise including rods, reels, waders, vests, and fly tying items etc. Again this year my friend Martin at Flymen Fishing Company took the award for his inovative Fish-Skull Face Mask and his Bland Crockett Articulated Big Game Shanks. Congratulations Martin!
We are happy to say that Flymen, Fish Skulls, Mini Sculpin Helmets, Nymph-Head Heavy Metal Tungston Beads, and more are sold at Troutprostore. Check them out to see the new generation of fly fishing materials.