Recently, my good friend James Marsh and Christopher Tobias had an opportunity to spend a few days fly fishing primarily for brook trout in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Chris had served 8 years in the Marines and completed 3 tours of duty overseas including one in Iraq. Now, he wanted to get in some fly fishing before heading out on a deployment with the Army in Afghanistan. He picked the perfect partner in James Marsh who is our resident expert in the GSMNP although he is too modest to admit it.
During their three day trip, they caught and released over 53 trout; about half were brookies, half were rainbows and one was a brown. After they caught 12 or 15 brooks and rainbows in any one area of the park, they moved to another area of the park giving Chris an opportunity to become more familiar with the GSMNP. Here is Chris sneaking up on an unsuspecting brookie.
Although they fished in very low water conditions, they were happy to report that the trout fishing in the GSMNP was indeed good. This report did indeed made me savor the moment when I have enough time to go back to the GSMNP. Catching brookies on a dry fly is my greatest fishing joy!
Here are some of their targets!
To learn more about their trip check James Marsh article and a blog written by Chris..