Adult Caddisflies General Information:
As a rule the trout will eat more little black caddisflies as pupae than they will eat as adults on the surface. However, it is still worthwhile to fish the little black caddisfly adult imitations. In fact many good anglers will prefer to fish the dry fly during this important hatch.
The body of the little black caddisfly is dark charcoal brown and the wings are gray with tiny black veins. The males approximate a #18 hook but the larger females will approximate an #18 hook size. We prefer and sell only the #18 since the females are the ones laying the eggs on the surface and as such are our main target.
Since the hatch takes place in the spring, the water is usually about 50 degrees F when the hatch commences. Sometimes they will float in the water for 20 feet or more before they fly off to the banks. In the earlier part of the hatch while it is still cold some of the adults are lethargic and not eager to fly off, preferring to sit on the rocks protruding out of the water. On the colder days, the adults will start flying more aggressively by the mid afternoon.
Presentation Information:
The female little black caddisfly will deposit her eggs on the surface of the water or she may dive and deposit her eggs. If she dives to deposit her eggs, she will return to the surface for a short time before flying away. Either way they become a source of food for the trout.
When the hatch starts, the best fly will be the pupa, but after the hatch is mostly over, it will be time to switch to the dry adult imitation fly. Start fishing the dry fly allowing it to dead drift where you see the action on the water. As the day progresses, there will be collections of spent caddisflies, forming in the eddies and in the slower pockets of water along the banks. This is where you will want to use the adult pattern. Sometimes the trout will hit it as it circles the eddies or as it floats below the riffles and runs.

See the new double sided fly boxes.
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