Using bamboo fly rods have long been considered the premier method of chasing fish. Fishing with a bamboo fly rod, however, is more than just trying to get a hook in a fish's jaw. Bamboo fly rods, which are usually custom made, are not only effective, but also beautiful, comfortable, and historic. Following is a brief exploration of why you may want to fly fish with a bamboo fly rod.
1. Durabilty. Bamboo fly rods, because they are solid throughout, are more resistant to crushing than graphite rods.
2. Better Roll Casting. Small stream trout fishermen take note! Because of bamboo's inherent action, roll casts are more effective with bamboo.
3. Rarified Air. Some of the most famous flyfishers and celebreties have used bamboo.
4. Heirlooms. A finely crafted bamboo fly rod makes a fine heirloom.
5. Smooth Action. Because of the flexibility of the bamboo, progressive actions can be achieved to provide super smooth casting.
6. Reserve Power. The reserve power of a bamboo fly rod is far superior to a graphite rod.
7. Comfort. Bamboo fly rods are much more "castable" than graphite, which means you can cast all day long and not wear out your arms and shoulders.
8. A Sense Of Community. Bamboo fly rod enthusiasts form their own, unique subculture in the fly fishing community.
9. Sense Of Satisfaction. If you choose to make your own bamboo fly rod, you will have a greater sense of satisfaction when you catch fish with it.