Have you ever wondered why a particular fly will be highly effective on one stream but actually scare the trout on another trout stream? The long awaited class that was promised about sizing up an unfamiliar trout streams by Professor Tom Rosenbauer is here and it will clarify that question.
It is Class 327 Stream Quality; and in it, you can learn how to look at the geology of the stream and use it along with several other factors to determine if that trout stream is good (fertile) trout waters of if that stream is poor (infertile) trout waters.
Trout from an infertile stream
Trout from a fertile stream
Infertile trout streams like those often found in The Great Smoky Mountains National Park require flies that mimic terrestrial insects, while the more fertile trout streams like the Davidson River, require more finesse. To learn more about sizing up the trout streams and the techniques for fishing them, please attend the free class.