Today, I was pleased to find Bestway Outdoor Supreme Hair available at the amazing new Cabelas store located just outside of Charlotte, NC and just inside the South Carolina border. After a major tour of the entire store where I took many photos, I entered the Fly Shop where I was not surprised to find the Supreme Hair. Cabelas has been a great partner with Bestway Outdoor for many, many years.
Bestway Outdoor Supreme Hair is sold world-wide through major distributors, who prefer to use the name of Supreme Hair. However, when sold directly by Bestway Outdoor, the name of the very same product is sold under the name Super Hair. Although, some anglers prefer Supreme Hair and others prefer Super Hair, it is the very same product that has been a staple among fly tyers for several decades.
Bestway Outdoor manufactures Super Hair, Unique Hair and Neer Hair right in Charlotte, NC, so it was satisfying to find it sold at the new Cabelas right here at Charlotte!