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Top Five Great Smoky Mountains National Park Trout Fishing Resources

Sat, 09/19/2009 - 15:01 -- smaslar

Here are the top five resources for trout fishing the Great Smoky Mountains National Park:





Jim Casada’s book Fly Fishing in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which is the most up to date and thorough resource available for trout fishing the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The book technically covers fly fishing for several species of game fish in park waters, but focuses primarily on trout. Casada covers virtually every trickle of water in the park containing trout, primarily based on Jim’s many years of fly fishing in the Smokies. Additionally, the book discusses flies, trout species, stream gradients, park history, fishing regulations, safety considerations, gear, More





James Marsh has a set of 2 DVDs "Fly Fishing in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park" covering all aspects of fishing in the GSMNP.  These DVDs are over four hours long and include specific information about the streams, and what insects the GSMNP trout eat, as well as detailed information about the species of rainbow, brown and brookies. More




Don Kirk’s Smoky Mountains Trout Fishing Guide. This book, a longtime favorite of us here at Troutu, has been updated in recent years. The book’s biggest contribution is the detailed logistical information it contains on virtually every fishable stream in the park, regarding stream access, species of trout found in each stream etc. However, it does have useful tactical information as well, covering not only fly fishing, but also spinner fishing in the Park.  


Waterproof Great Smoky Mountains Trail MapEarthwalk Press’s waterproof Hiking Map & Guide Great Smoky Mountains National Park. This large, two-sided topographic map details the streams and trails of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, including mileage between numerous trails and is a must for venturing into the backcountry to trout fish. We recommend the waterproof version to deal with the abundant rainfall common within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

  7. has numerous blogs, tips, videos, etc. based on many years of experience trout fishing the Great Smoky MountainsNational Park. Additionally, feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have on trout fishing in the park.


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