Manufacturer/Model Action Weight Reel Seat Seat Spacer Striper Guide Guides Price Notes
Sage TCX Fast 3 3/16 Nickel colored Alum. Wood ? Hard Aloy Chrome $780
Sage One Fast 2 1/2 Bronze colored Alum. Walnut Hard Aloy Chrome $770
Winston Boron III Fast 3 1/2 Nickel Silver Burled Wood? ? ? $895 high grade
wood cost extra and requires added delivery time
Winston Boron II mx Fast 3 3/8 Standard seat? Nickel Anodized. Alum. ? ? $760
Thomas & Thomas NS-5 Fast ? Anodized Alum. Black? Ceramic ? $775
Orvis Helios M. Fast 2 3/8 Anodized Alum. Graphite Ceramic Recoil $795
Scott M9054 Smooth? ? Nickel Silver Amboyna Ceramic Agate ? $975
Hardy Angel 2 Fast 3.2 Anodized Alum. Texalium ? ? $1049
Perfect Fly Supreme Four Fast 2 7/8 REC Nickel Silver Amboyna Fuji Alconite SIC REC Recoil $695 or $820 /extra tip
None of the similarly priced rods come close to the Perfect Fly Supreme Four in terms of quality components. Only the Scott M9054 compares in
that respect and it is $200 higher in price. This page list the components being used on the Supreme Four fly rod.
Most of the above rods don't compare to the Perfect Fly in terms of performance. None of them are superior to the Supreme Four with respect to