Satisfaction Guarantee:
Since ninety-percent (90%) of all broken fly rods are broken in the tip section, we offer an option for an extra tip section.
This in essence puts the warranty in your hands. You don't have to worry about a small fly rod company going out of business voiding your prepaid guarantee. We think this is a better deal for the customer than paying the cost of the guarantee up front plus having to pay additional cost involved with the replacement depending on the particular manufacturers warranty stipulations. This is the main reason our Superb Five rod cost $695.00 instead of $1000.00 or more for a rod of equal quality and components.If a problem occurs that is caused by the owner, or that occurs after the one year warranty period expires that can be fixed without replacing a section of the rod, we will repair the rod for a fee of $40.00 plus shipping.
In the event your fly rod gets damaged beyond repair, you can purchase a replacement for the broken section as listed below.
Second Section below the tip...........................................$185.00
Third Section below the top..............................................$195.00
Lower Handle Section with all hardware............................$250,00