About a year ago, we experimented with making Perfect Flies available for sale on TroutProStore. We started with a select number of flies to imitate the aquatic insects found primarily in the Eastern and Mid Western streams. However, the flies have been received so entheustically and the sales have been so good, that we decided to expand our fly selection not only to the Eastern USA but also to include many if not most of the more common flies found in the Western USA streams. We feel that our flies imitate the actual insect far better than any other flies found on the market today as the following testimony indicates.
The Stone flies you sent me are the best imitation I have ever bought anywhere. I cant wait to fish them. The White River is beckoning me more now than ever. Thank you. "I'll be back"
Thank you for the testimonies and we are certainly gratified by testimonies like these which have become increasing more common. Don't forget to check back frequently as we continue to add Mayflies, Stoneflies, and Caddisflies.