Trout University is excited about the coming introduction of underwater trout videos by the famous photographer Wendell (Ozzie) Ozefovich. His passion for trout and their world began at age six, when a brook trout fell prey to a garden worm. That passion continues unabated for the salmon and trout he now pursues with fly rod and camera.Years ago Ozzie combined his love of trout with a lifelong interest in movie making resulting in his series of underwater videos that explore how trout feed, spawn and behave in the wild. His narrated video presentations chronicle wild and hatchery trout in their natural environs and have opened the eyes of thousands of anglers in the United States.
Watch Trout University in the next few weeks as we plan to introduce the first two of his series, "Discovery" and "Feeding Lies". In Discovery, the trout are in their natural environment. There is also footage of sea-run rainbow and brown trout. There are wild fish and stocked fish, fighting fish and spawning fish. You will see beneath the surface as trout feed on drifting invertebrates and surface flies, and how a trout views an angler through its window; and much, much more.
In Feeding Lies, Qzzie's second voyage into The Underwater World of Trout answers the questions all anglers ask: Where are they? Why are they there? What are they eating? How do I recognize what is going on? In this study we go into the streams and examine the facts and get real answers. Some you expect, others you won’t believe until you see them yourself.
To understand what a trout’s world is like requires a basic understanding of how water moves (hydrology) and how trout move about in the water (biomechanics). We all know some basic truths — or do we?