Here is a report from C.S.Gibbs who is the man behind the Fishwater Maps that are so helpful in locating trout. He necessarily needs to do a good deal of fly fishing in order to create those magnificant maps.
From CS: Couldn't stand being inside today so I snuck out to the Mills River to see what was happening. Looked Like some march browns were coming off pretty steady while I was there along with some black caddis and some other little black swarming bugs. The new fish were keyed in on the bugs and feeding pretty well. I missed the best of it by getting there a little late but still managed a few little scrappers on a size 12 Adams. The place was pretty filled up with fellow anglers enjoying the day. Plenty of fish to go around though and I watched several people hook'n up. Hopefully spring is here for real this time, grab a Fishwater Map of a river you've never fished and get out there!