Spinners General Information:
Spinners are the adult mayflies that fly and mate high above the waters of the streams and you may not notice them. The March Brown males are the first to fall to the stream or the bank followed by the females. The females however do not fall until their eggs have been deposited on the surface film on the water. Most of the males will fall on the banks, but the females will mostly fall in the water where they can collect in large numbers. Spinner activity starts in the calm of the evening a very great, and pleasant time for fly fishing.
Sometimes, the spinner fall is the most important aspect of the hatch, since the dun hatch occurs over a long period of time while the spinner fall concentrates the mayflies because it occurs in a shorter time frame. The females lay their eggs over the moderately flowing riffles and runs of the trout stream. After laying the eggs, the spinners will fall and the current will cause the spinners to collect in the usual pools and eddies.
Presentation Information:
As the spinners start to fall and be carried by the current into the pocket waters, use an up and across presentation which will usually be the best approach. It must be drag free, so mend the line if needed and remember to keep your casts as short as possible. Slower water may be fished effectively with a down and across presentation using a light tippet perhaps a 6X with a leader of 10 or 12 feet. Keep the delivery of the fly as delicate presentation.

See the new double sided fly boxes.
Bait/Lure Type: