Light Cahill Duns General Information:
Unlike the March brown duns, the Light Cahill duns do not spend much time on the surface of the water; and as the weather warms up, they spend even less time on the water. Generally, their wings will dry fast enabling them to fly away almost as soon as they hit the surface of the water often within a few seconds. The trout do not waste any time in searching out these mayflies and eating them. As a result the trout are frequently just as happy to take a Light Cahill imitation.
Presentation Information:
Present your dun imitation along the current seams of pocket water and the edges of the runs. Use short upstream or slightly upstream and across casts keeping your rod high. Keep as much line as possible up off the water to avoid a faulty drag. Use frequent short casts in order to cover as much water as possible remembering that the duns will not remain on the surface for long periods of time. Be sure to hit the best possible seams of water, and keep moving. Do not expect to see a heavy concentration of duns in any one area since they do fly away fast.

See the new double sided fly boxes.