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Finding Trout

Skill Level: 
Class Code: 

This course is meant as addendum to the previous class.  In this class, the student will learn a novel approach to fishing the stuborn streams that can be found in the mountains of the South.  It combines both fly fishing and in-line spinner fishing.  After the completion of this course, the student will have an approach that affords a good opportunity for a father and son team.

Skill Level: 
Brant Oswald
Class Code: 

In Class 115, the student learned about different types of casting accuracy (distance accuracy vs. left and right accuracy), as well as some of the fishing situations that demand them.  In this class, the student will learn some of the mechanical techniques that contribute to accuracy.  Upon completion of this class, the student should be able to fine tune his casting, and with practice, expect to experience an improvement in the ratio of strikes per 100 casts.

Skill Level: 
Brant Oswald
Class Code: 

The best fly pattern in the world will not catch fish, if the trout do not see it.  This class will detail the methods and techniques required to target the trout; and deliver the fly into the target range.  After completion of this class, the student can expect to understand the rudiments of accurate casting.   Professor: Brant Oswald

Skill Level: 
Class Code: 

This course will outline for the student how to approach the stream, the importance of stealth, and how to do the basic presentation of the lure, then set the hook.


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