While looking for information on the Palomino Trout and the Donaldson Trout, I came across the Tiger Trout which is a hybrid cross between a Brook Trout and a Brown Trout. This is possible because they both spawn in the fall of the year.
They combine the ferocious eating habits of the BrownTrout with the Gullible eating habits of the Brook Trout and they do put up a good fight as well. However, the most interesting characteristic about them is the color scheme which has the colors of a Brown and the worm like stripes of a Brook Trout covering it from head to tail.
They occur rarely in the natural environment however, some states have started a stocking program. Stocked Tiger Trout can be found in Washington State, Massachusetts, Utah, Connecticut, New Jersey, Wyoming, Colorado, and in New York.
For example these Tigers were caught in New Jersey: A 15 and a 20 inch trout were taken from the Delaware River just below the wing dam in the Lambertville.
A 5 pound tiger trout from the Musconetcong River about 1000 yards upstream of the Delaware River confluence and another Tiger from the Delaware River below the Yardley, PA boat ramp.
In addition, Tigers have been taken from many other areas in Delaware including the many NJ parks.