I was reading the Christian Fly Fishers forum post about furled leaders and found someone who had experience with furled leaders and he preferred the furled leaders by Quigley. The Christian Fly Fishers forum is for fly fishers who also love the Lord and their verse is Mark 1:17, look it up.
Now about Quigley's furled leaders. The majority of furled leaders are used for trout fishing, usually dry fly fishing, so let's discuss this type of furled leader. These leaders are made with pproximately 100' of 6/0 UNI-Thread. The leader is tapered in 5 steps from 22 strands to 6 strands.
Furled leaders, constructed of UNI-Thread, are the ultimate for dry fly fishing. Preferred by most experienced furled leader users over those constructed with monofilament (too stiff and springy). Supple thread furled leaders have almost no memory ... an attribute which reduces drag. They cast very accurately and land gently on the water. Their ability to turnover long tippets and flies exceeds any other type of tapered leader. Once you fish these leaders, you will never go back! One quick application of a paste floatant, such as Mucilin or Loon Payette Paste Floatant will float the leader for most of a day's fishing. These leaders do not pick up and spray water while casting as hollow, braided leaders do. Durable ... furled leaders often last more than one season with just tippet changes! Quite economical in the long run.
A butt loop is woven into the leader during construction. A limp, flexible loop that you can barely feel as you pull it through your fingers. Or you may nail knot the furled leader butt section directly to your fly line.
The tippet end of my furled leaders receives a similar treatment. A small BB-sized loop is woven into the tippet end of my leaders. Simply attach the desired length of tippet to the small loop with a tiny loop-to-loop connection. These tiny loops flatten out and all but disappear after a few casts. Very easy to change tippets with this method.