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Fly Fishing with James Marsh

Thu, 01/21/2010 - 16:59 -- jmaslar

As I write this blog I am staring out the window at the rain falling here in Charlotte and musing about a potential trip out to Pigeon forge, TN to visit James Marsh among other things. (Other things being a dinner trip to the Alamo Steak House). James has fished about every trout stream in the GSMNP, and most of the trout streams in the entire USA as well as many streams in other parts of the World.

In our initial trip some weeks ago now, my son Steve and I were anxious to meet James as we had read and heard about his skill with a fly fishing rod. Indeed, we were most anxious to meet James and to fish with him, but we were rained out much to our dismay. However, he entertained us by showing us three streams in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park which were not familiar to us and he showed us his new line of “Perfect Flies”. When we saw the flies, we were very impressed as the detail was far greater than any other flies that we have ever seen.
On my second trip to see James I purchased a complete set of his “Perfect Flies. Again James was the perfect host, entertaining me and showing me his “Perfect Fly” fly boxes. I was so impressed that I prevailed upon James to let us sell the fly boxes on Trout University as well.
Now, as I consider another trip to pick up yet another order of Perfect Flies for increasing our inventory, I am wondering how James will again make it an enjoyable visit despite the rain, or should I postpone the trip; I wonder?
Notice the one thing in common about my trips to Pigeon forge, TN is the rain!

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