Autumn is my favorite time of the year for trout fishing. The weather is ideal with cooler days, cool crisp nights, less rain and with definitely less humidity it can be enjoyable. In higher elevations, there may be a dusting of snow or frost. The water is usually low, cool and even flowing making for some great casting. In early fall, the water temperatures may be in the seventies, but before winter sets in the water temperature can easily drop down to the low forties. I have had it ice up on the guides, but that does not deter me.
Terrestrials remain my choice for early fall, switching to little yellow quills, little yellow stoneflies, BWOs and eventually midges or streamers as the weather continues to cool. I am careful to use stealth as the low lying sun can make some big shadows on the water spooking the trout.
I like to take my time to view the beauty of nature including the changing leaves, the bright waterfalls and otherwise nice scenery, not to mention the beautiful fall wardrobe on the brook trout. A favorite food for the cool weather is a nice crisp apple which I can eat while sitting on a large rock. I hope that I can find the time and get out there soon.