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Coursey Springs Hatchery Renovation in Virginia

Thu, 11/05/2009 - 15:12 -- jmaslar
Good news for Virginia anglers! The renovation of the Coursey Springs Fish Hatchery is almost complete.  According to Ron Southwick of the Virginia Department of Game and Wildlife, (DGIF) the hatchery should be operational in the first part of 2010. This state-of-the-art facility will utilize 40 circular metal rearing tanks completely enclosed and under roof eliminating any loss of fish to predators. These tanks will eliminate the old concrete raceways which were used for many years and now have been eliminated.
 Old Concrete Raceways                     New Circular Metal Tanks
The new renovated Coursey Springs Hatchery will have the capability of raising triploid trout, rainbow trout, brown trout and brook trout, and they are expected to grow twice as fast thanks to the use of the circular tanks. The hatchery will produce 600,000 - 650,000 catchable-size rainbow, brown, and brook trout for stocking in public waters of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
When the hatchery is in full production, it will allow Virginia to stock at much higher levels than it was able to do in the past. If you care to follow the renovation, it is possible by checking out their website Coursey Springs Hatchery Renovation.