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Learning How to Spot Trout

Fri, 07/23/2010 - 16:19 -- jmaslar

It takes a special eye trained to observe the trout in the streams. Sometimes the water is stained; sometimes it is the rapids, sometimes down deep but always a challenge. For many anglers seeing trout even in the clearest of water is a hard thing to do. By the time they see the trout; the fish see you and they are headed for “Dixie” as I am prone to say. Your opportunity to cast to an unknowing relaxed trout is gone. So what do we do to educate and calibrate our eyes?

Watauga River Fish Kill

Tue, 07/20/2010 - 09:25 -- jmaslar

The Watauga Riverkeeper, Donna Lisenby, received a phone call on Saturday July 17, alerting her to a fish kill on the Watauga River in Boone, NC. Donna in cooperation with the Boone fire department was able to track down the source of the pollutant and it was from the B B&T parking lot on highway 105 in Boone, NC. It seems that the Watauga River and a tributary called Hodges Creek have suffered a great deal of damage due to the carelessness of an asphalt contractor who allowed asphalt sealer to flow into the Watauga River via a drain sewer.

Wilson Creek Delayed Harvest Yields Rainbow

Tue, 11/17/2009 - 16:44 -- jmaslar

A portion of the Wilson CreeK near the town of Mortimer NC, was recently made a delayed harvest stream.  A friend of mine Johnny Dollar caught this HOG on the DH portion of the Wilson recently.  John caught her on a #18 Hetero-Genius nymph tied by Dave Hise of Casters of Hickory on a 9ft, 5X Flurocarbon leader. He used his rod of choice, a 9ft Orvis T3 5wt and reel was an Abel TR2 loaded with Rio Gold Line. Water was very clear and slightly lower than usual. 

Triploid Trout

Thu, 11/05/2009 - 14:17 -- jmaslar

Triploid rainbow trout are named triploid because they possess three sets of chromosomes which render them sterile. The triploidy process involves the heating of eggs at 26 to 27 degrees C for 20 minutes at 20 minutes after fertilization.


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