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Tenkara Fly Fishing

Mon, 10/27/2014 - 15:14 -- jmaslar

One of the newest approaches to fly fishing uses the Tenkara rod. It was developed out of necessity in the ancient mountains of Japan and it is so simple because it uses no reel, just a long pole, a light line and a fly. The Tenkara rod telescopes down to less than 20 inches long and it is perfect for the over grown mountain streams like the Blue Ridge Mountains. However, it does not end there as it is can also be used for high stickin deep pools.

Troutprostore Adds Pro Line of Fly Fishing Rods

Tue, 10/14/2014 - 13:02 -- jmaslar

We at Troutprostore have added an entirely new line of affordable fly fishing rods known as the Pro Series . These new rods offer great functionality but at a very affordable price. However, do not let the low price fool you. If you are looking for a fly rod that's versatile enough to fish small dry flies on fine tippets, yet easily cast larger nymphs, split-shot, and a strike indicator, you have found it. This rod cast accurately, provides good line speed, and offers light weight and high strength in a fast action.

Troutprostore Adds Fly Fishing Rods

Sat, 10/11/2014 - 10:17 -- jmaslar

We at Troutprostore have been busy coming up with some new fly fishing rods to add to our sales. Our first addition is the Super Seven Fly Rod. A beautiful 7 weight, nine foot rod (Flex) fast action rod that comes in four section. It loads fast, is extremely sensitive and has a superior response and yet is powerful enough to cast those larger drys, nymphs and streamers. It is capable of exceptionally long  and accurate casts to deliver that fly delicately in just the exact location ensuring more strikes.

Restoring Hatchery Creek Kentucky

Mon, 09/29/2014 - 08:12 -- jmaslar

 Approximately 200 feet of Hatchery Creek in Russell County will close to fishing this week as part of an ongoing stream restoration project. The upper 150-foot section of the creek will remain open for fishing. The overall project involves construction of a 6,000-foot channel to divert the creek’s flow away from the heavily eroded ravine which introduces large amounts of sediment into the Cumberland River. Construction on the new channel will feature a naturalized course with pools and riffles designed to reduce sediment; the project is scheduled for completion in the spring.

Cherokee Fly Fishing Contest HURRY

Mon, 09/01/2014 - 10:08 -- jmaslar

It is not too late to catch your biggest trout of the season at Qualla Country Trout Tournament held in Cherokee, N. C. The Eastern Band of the Cherokees are having their tournament on September 5 through September 7, 2014. The tournament is open to anyone who has the $11.00 entry and the only one restriction and that is the exclusion of the 2.2 miles of catch-and-release waters. That leaves the remaining 28 miles of privately stocked freestone streams open for your conquest. By the way, this is the largest privately owned and stocked waters east of the Mississippi.

Pack it in, Pack it out

Thu, 08/21/2014 - 14:13 -- jmaslar

The nice thing about trout fishing is that it gets you out and into the beautiful outdoors. However, please remember to leave the landscape exactly as you have found it. Here is an example of how the wildlife can be harmed by a careless person. Obviously, someone had consumed a six pack of soda or other beverage and without thinking left behind the plastic ring. The turtle apparently crawled through the plastic ring as a juvenile and became a prisoner of the ring as it grew. Please do not let this happen on your account.


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